The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cancer talk...

It seems like any time I go out in public these days, I run into someone I know or who recognizes me and 'knows' me through 'a sister of a cousin of a friend' or what have you. One of my friends recently said 'I feel like your a celebrity' when we were out and about--to which I scoffed, laughed and reminded her we live in a small town where just living here means you know half the population, cancer of not. ;)

Anyway. The conversations are all so similar.
We heard/read the latest. We're praying. How are you? What's next?

Cancer. Cancer. Cancer. Blah. Blah Blah. .....

A friend spouted off over the phone this past week yet another common one... 'I'm sure you're sooo tired of talking about cancer', to which I replied... yes, I am. Cancer is not a nice topic. It's not a nice word. In fact, there really isn't ANYTHING NICE THING AT ALL about cancer.

However, something very significant dawned on me recently while I was 'meditating' on this entry and subject area.

'Cancer talk' consumes my interactions with people because I am THAT BLESSED to have many--like hundreds, many--be that concerned with and for my life.

This is me pausing .................................. IN. AWE.

What makes me so special?! Lots of people deal with cancer. In fact, I cannot believe how many people I participate in 'cancer talk' with who know someone whose been there... Fought it. Won. Lost.
It's not even that uncommon to have someone tell me they themselves faced it at one point in life.

Like someone on a KPIC post for one of the fundraisers held for us commented, 'What makes this girl so special...she just has breast cancer, lots of women in Roseburg have had breast cancer.'
I actually posted a reply to him saying, 'I agree!' haha. Cause I do.

Yet, the continued uplifting messages. Cards. Hats. Hugs. Public approaches. Fundraisers. Prayers.

I am sick of talking about cancer.
But NO, I'm not DONE talking about it, because every time I receive another opportunity to do so, I am reminded of how utterly surrounded by love and concern I am.
Frankly, in the midst of all that is totally and utterly awful about cancer, those 'talks' and what they stand for recharge my desire to 'kick it in the bottom' so I can be semi-guaranteed future 'non-cancer talks' with the many of you who have proven your love and desire to see me move past it and get back to just living~

1 comment:

  1. I won't even spell the Fng word! only us the lower case letter c...
    Even thou I've been through this too...I've learned much from your girlfriend.
    Well now this chemical crap is now done...on to finishing this journey!!! I'm with you for the long haul. More goodies to come.
    Love YOU Hug YOU!
    di :-)


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